Proxy Nexus provides two methods of making Netrunner Proxies, paper proxies and printed cards at
These are cards printed on standard printer paper, either at home or at a self-serve print shop like Staples, and then sleeved with another card behind it. This is a cheap and accessible way of making proxies but requires a bit of work.
These are cards produced by (MPC). Proxy Nexus produces image files pre-formatted to print at MPC. This option is less work and produces great cards, but is more expensive than paper proxies.
Proxy Nexus now supports multiple scan sources, with different ways to mitigate these limitations. If you'd like to read up on the details, check out the sections below.
This is the original set of scans used by Proxy Nexus. MPC files have a simple black border added around the card to serve as a bleed. There are two different ways a border is added.
The shortest dimension of the original scans is resized and scaled by 1.5% past MPC's cut line. This should help minimize most black lines along the edge of cards but may result a small loss of the original graphic. Choose this option to help avoid any black lines/borders along the edge of the cards.
Fits the scans within MPC's cut line. May result in black lines along the edges of the card. Choose this option to avoid any loss of the scanned image.
Fit is the default option, but can be changed on the settings page. For anyone interested in the technical details, the images were produced with this Python script:
The zip file Proxy Nexus provides contains:
Note: Files that end with 'back' are the back side art image for the file with the similar name. Eg. 09001_pt_pdf_back.jpg is the back side art image for 09001_pt_pdf.jpg. For step 12 below, be sure to select "Different images" for the card backs, in order to include these images if desired.